A brief overview of dentures

So what are dentures? Simply put, they are the removable false teeth used to replace missing or lost teeth and tissue. Dentures will often feel strange to the patient, at first, and performing mundane tasks such as eating or speaking become difficult.

What's more, tasting hot and cold foods or drinks is also going to be that much harder. And it's a lot easier to chow down on a bone with dentures. It does take some time to get used to dentures, and admittedly, they could never feel like natural teeth.

However, technology has come a long way, and there are contemporary dentures that are more natural-looking and provide a superior level of comfort. There are mainly two types of dentures available: complete and partial.

Complete dentures

These dentures are used when the patient has lost all their teeth. They can be either immediate or conventional. Dentures are typically made once the patient's teeth have been removed and the gum has begun its recovery process.

Conventional dentures are usually ready to be used by the patient after two to three months once the teeth have been extracted. On the other hand, immediate dentures are created prior to excision of the teeth and can be readily inserted after the teeth have been excised.

One benefit of this is the patient doesn't have to show their baby pinks while they recover. The downside, however, is they need repeated adjustments to fit the right way while healing. They are typically used as temporary solutions while conventional dentures are being created.

Partial dentures

These are the dentures used when not all the teeth are missing for example when the patient hasn't lost all their natural teeth. These kinds of dentures typically have a replacement tooth bound to a plastic base that is the same colour as the gum. They are commonly used when there are at least some natural teeth left in the lower or upper jaws.

How they are made

The process to create dentures typically lasts a couple of weeks with several appointments to the prosthodontist—a medical specialist in replacement and restoration of missing or lost teeth—or a dentist. And all that's left is to decide the best fit for you.

The procedure generally involves making a template of your jaw and how it interacts with the other jaw and the space in between. This is then followed by the creation of a wax mould, which is to be tried on severally for a snug fit before casting the final denture and make the necessary adjustments.

424 Words

About Me

How to Brighten Your Smile For many years, I hated the way my teeth looked. They always looked discoloured so I would do everything I could to hide my smile. On family photos, my mom would always complain that I never gave a grin like my brothers and sisters. When I graduated college, I decided I needed to take action. I contacted my local dental surgery and asked them about tooth whitening treatments. The dentist was great and gave me all of the info I needed. After the treatment, my smile was like a million dollars. I decided to start this blog to educate others about the benefits of teeth whitening and other dental treatments.



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