4 cool ways your smartphone can help with teeth whitening

In today's digital age, smartphones are only getting smarter. These devices can do more than just communicate and take pictures. They can also be used for a wide variety of medical applications, ranging from tracking your heart rate to keeping track of your calorie consumption.

But did you know that smartphones could also help whiten your teeth? This article will show you how.

1. Smartphones can be used to power an LED light for teeth whitening

Home whitening kits are becoming a popular option for many patients who wish to brighten their smile. One such kit uses an LED light that you shine onto your teeth to gradually remove extrinsic stains.

This LED light can be powered directly by your smartphone. All you need to do is connect the light into the charging port of your phone, and it will be powered on. The LED works in collaboration with a whitening gel that you apply on your teeth before shining the light. This LED treatment is effective at restoring your smile and eliminating stubborn stains from your teeth.

2. Mobile apps can be used to keep track of treatment progress

During the course of teeth whitening, many patients are anxious to know if their treatment process is really working. Simply looking into the mirror may not be accurate enough to tell if your teeth have become a few shades whiter than they were before.

Luckily, your smartphone comes in handy when tracking treatment progress. Several apps can be used to compare various shades of white in your teeth. You can take periodic photos along the way and compare them with standard colours to determine your treatment progress. The mobile app also gives an objective assessment of how effective the whitening process is.

3. Share feedback in real time with your dentist

There are also mobile applications that allow you to share feedback with your dentist in real time. As you whiten your teeth either at the dentist's office or home, you can take photos within the application and send them to your dentist for review.

Your dentist will be able to provide a professional determination of how effective the whitening method is. And if any changes need to be made, they can recommend immediate adjustments as necessary.

4. Take before/after photos to boast on social media

Finally, your smartphone will come in handy when boasting before/after pictures on social media. If your teeth were previously stained and you were afraid to smile, you can now grin from ear to ear and make all your friends envy your bright smile. 

429 Words

About Me

How to Brighten Your Smile For many years, I hated the way my teeth looked. They always looked discoloured so I would do everything I could to hide my smile. On family photos, my mom would always complain that I never gave a grin like my brothers and sisters. When I graduated college, I decided I needed to take action. I contacted my local dental surgery and asked them about tooth whitening treatments. The dentist was great and gave me all of the info I needed. After the treatment, my smile was like a million dollars. I decided to start this blog to educate others about the benefits of teeth whitening and other dental treatments.



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